Friday, 19 August 2011

The search is over!!

I've been looking for a lamp, a hammered metal lamp.
Something like this;

Or, this;

I googled, I Ebayed, I couldn't find anything locally. Anything I did find, was WAY out of my budget!
So, I gave up.

Then, while looking for something completely unrelated to my silver lamp dream, I saw this from Bunnings!!

Bunnings! Are you kidding me! I go to Bunnings for paint, or garden hoses, I didn't even think to look there for a lamp!
(I'm new to this, so I'm not sure if I should add that Bunnings didn't sponsor this post? If they would like to, they can, although I'm not even sure what 'Sponsor this post' means! Like I said, I'm new to this!)

So, of course, off I went to Bunnings to have a little look...  I left with this...

If you are thinking it doesn't look like the one in the link, then you are right!! When I got there I saw this one sitting prettily beside it's Morooco friend and, I liked height and shape; the creamy shade doesn't really do it for me; but that's easy enough to fix!!

This is how she looks like this in her new home (The shelves will replaced with a chest of drawers, hopefully soon!)

It's not exactly what  I was looking for (It's not metal, or hammered, and I kind of wanted a black shade)  but, it satisfies my desire for silver and shiny, and, it also satisfies my desire to keep some of our money in the bank!!

Any suggestions for shade colour? Like I said, just up there ^, I was thinking black, but I'm still not 100% sure.

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